Architecture Exploration Program

Bringing STE[A]M to Students

We develop programs for elementary, middle and high school age children to create awareness and understanding of the built environment through our Architecture Exploration Program.

The Architecture Exploration Program is a STE[A]M, educational program facilitated by the AIA Palm Beach Foundation for Architecture in conjunction with AIA Palm Beach. This dynamic curriculum enrichment program pairs professional architects with classroom teachers in after-school programs. We also offer Summer Camp experiences and targeted workshops depending on the need.

The Architecture Exploration Program sharpens a student’s math, science, social studies, art and core academics with hands on project-based lessons while exposing them to architecture basic principles.

The Architecture Exploration Program has its roots in the Architecture in Education Program originally conceived by the Florida Foundation for Architecture. The Architecture in Education program began as a pilot program in two Florida Schools in 2015 and has expanded to interested schools around Florida. More than 300 students have experienced this program and Florida school principals say that the program provides a perfect bridge between traditional STEM learning and real-life hands on experiences.

Ready to get started?

Email the Palm Beach Foundation for Architecture at

We are available to help set up your program. Several lesson plans will be provided at our initial meeting along with curriculum examples and activities that could be incorporated into your program.

Material Fees may apply.

Past Programs

Henderson School – Architecture in Education – Elementary After School Program

Women’s Foundation of Florida – Girls Leadership Academy – Introduction to Architecture Workshops – High School Level